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Thursday, April 8, 2010

An ordinary day from my simple life.

An ordinary day from my simple life---by Dr.DrunkDonkey....(blacked out)

Even before i wake up today i must remind you that i slept very late last night. Or atleast that was what i wanted to believe. Not quite surprisingly, i was feeling very tired that morning, and that is usually what i feel when i am trying to wake up, actually mom is trying to wake me up while i am trying to sleep. The act of waking up after sleep is much more tiring than anything else. For some split seconds one even thinks, "What is the purpose of this life, when one cant even sleep for sufficient time ?" But just like any other young person's life, there is no room for such questions..

So i woke up, with a thousand abuses against God, sleep, pillow, parents, my-ex, the guy who gave me a donut the day before and my present girlfriend who didnt allow me to sleep early that night. Somehow or the other, they were all responsible for my reduced hours of enormous sleep. With that kind of a foul mind, i was sure the day would be disaster. I knew in advance that the day would be a disaster, there was history test at school, plans with my girlfriend for a secret kiss at school, plans with friends to beat the crap out of the ranker of the school and plans to help my mother to cook dinner for guests who were coming home that night. And i was mighty lousy for any of these tasks.

So i just knew that the day would be a disaster. But good for me, I had found the person to blame. God, sleep, pillow, parents, my-ex, the guy who gave me a donut the day before and my present girlfriend who didnt allow me to sleep early that night. These are always the usual entities whom i blame in such cases.

But time heals every wound and cold water snatches every bit of drowsiness. And with a bit of both i managed to resemble more like a human in my form. Suddenly feeling very cheerful after my transformation, i greeted the new day, feeling strong enough to fight out all the miseries it had in store for me.

But ,as every teen would agree with me, seldom does a teen's plan work.
And so the same thing happened with me.
I almost crapped my pants on seeing the question paper of history. Questions were asked about things i didnt know that they existed. Worse still, the other guys around me somehow were writing their answers. They knew everything. Immense fear captured me for the briefest instant. But being a strong a guy, and a pretty lame one that too, i decided to tackle the situation. i picked up my pen, and used my imagination. All answers were the most creative in approach. I was sure that if some great fictional writer ever read my answers i would be up for a treat. But as luck would have it, my history teacher wasnt such a person. He gave me an E. I was used to it. But what i wasnt used to was that he sent me to the Principal's office to report my poor grades.
The rest, as can be safely assumed, is not a thing to be written.

The last thing that a guy wants to see when he is humiliated is his girlfriend. But damned me, there walked my girlfriend right upto me and with that faithful dog type face asked the cheapest of questions, "Is my baby alright ?". Vengeance against human race was strongest in me. But women are a tough race to beat and there we were, on the school roof terrace, a secluded place, ready for our umpteenth kiss in school. The lips engrossed in their activities while my mind was thinking of excuses for the E grade. SHe pushed her weight on me and like a good guy i pressed myself against the wall. That was what i had thought until i heard the crash of broken glass falling on the school yard. I turned around and was gladly greeted with the sight of a broken window pane thanks to my body weight pressed again the lousy window frame which had given away repulsively from my posterior end.

Suicide was the only option left but fear to commit it was hindering my way. Without a doubt, I was back in the principal's office which seemed so familiar. The rest as i should say, is better left than written. Lets just call it, another black episode featuring me and my beloved school principal. Now i had to think of another excuse for the broken window, plus one for the E grade. Life is so hectic.

The rest of the day proceeded as usual. I slept through my classes. My girlfriend kept on sending me silly notes.

Sun descended below the horizon and so did our brains. Along with my friends i was supposed to harass the school ranker, the same guy who had given me a donut the day before. We dutifully followed the guy from his home. We skillfully had him kneeled before us. We wonderfully hurled abuses at him. But just when it struck showtime i had a change of heart. After all, he did give me a donut. So i told my friends to leave him alone and hit our homes. But boys of my age lack a thing people call senses. And so i ended up being in the enemy group.
The rest is better not written. Fourteen guys against two idiots=two idiots doomed to death. I was sure I was dead until me cell phone beeped with frantic mom asking me to come home as early as possible. Dead though I was, my moms threats instilled all the life to my legs. And i hurried back home, thinking of a excuse for my bruised face and torn shirt. So now I had three excuses to think of and time was running out.

I reached home to a locked door. Mom and Dad had gone out with the guests for dinner. I thanked God for this lucky escape. Devotedly i went to sleep, the excuses were postponed for a later time. A tiring day was finally coming to an end. Good gracious sleep was about to wrap me, when my cell phone beeped again.
"Aw baby would you like to talk for sometime ? I am feeling so lonely now "........And I was cursed for a life of such misery.


  1. Quite a simple life indeed.. if any of the above is partly true.

    Get drunk.

  2. frankly speaking...just change history with chemistry...
    and its all hundred percent true...
