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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Foriegn colleges vs IIT......my perspective

Okay so here i am sitting in front of the screen, thinking about my next post. I am probably the only guy in this entire country, who is exceptionally happy after IITJEE. And considering i attempted all the questions without the slightest idea of what they were asking about,and guessing most of my answers, it would be safe to assume that i have a wondrous cheerful personality. Some might even assume that i have no seriousness whatsoever, but i would still like to stick to the earlier version of my character.

Now being in an Indian society for most of my life, apart from the times when i find myself online surrounded by African cannibals and Indonesian tribes mostly, I should divulge this fact that getting into IIT is the dream of 90% of Indian students. The remaining 10% students are already in IIT and there dream is to get out of IIT in a single piece with a sane mentality. Numerous coaching classes, countless hours of ass-itching rigorous upright sitting on wooden benches, probably 12 packets of techno-tip or pinpoint, a major boost to the paper industry, freelance swearing and abusing HC VERMA, OP TANDON and ML KHANNA, getting orgasmic after having successfully tackled an IRODOV question, nearly wetting the pants after realizing chemistry broke up with you, etc. etc. etc. these are all part of the famed yet feared disciplined IIT preparations. Of course, the hot girls in the tuition classes, dreams of affairs in IIT, and the I-TAKE-A-BREAK-BY WATCHING-PORN are a part of it, but that is limited to a few exclusive and worn out war-time heroes of IIT preparations.

Now an immediate question that pops out, is it all worth it ?...does the Indian Institute of Technology actually fulfill all the hype that surrounds it ? What are its pros and cons against reputed foreign colleges ?
I am having mixed thoughts. So lets take a look at a few details and find out.
Reasons why you should read on :-
1) I applied for foreign universities, and got through three of them.
2) I nearly uprooted my masculine feature during erotic night outs with HC, OP and ML
3) I seriously had prepared for IIT for about 15 minutes.

First of all, lets go for a slight look at the rankings. Different websites offer different rankings. But having researched it for one full year of human life i came up to this conclusion. The ranking for engineering colleges on the world map would be as follows:-
1) MIT(the one and only)
2) Stanford
3) Berkley
4) Caltech
5) Georgia Tech
6) Cornell
7) Illinois Urbana Champaign
16) Princeton
20) Harvard
25) Purdue
27) IIT D
35) IIT M
100908097128740120912908712489) Other Indian Colleges with hoardings on roadside

Going by rankings, it can be clearly seen that those foreign universities would be a better option than IIT's

Secondly, lets go for placements and pay-cheques
1) Last year, there were certain guys in IIT who didn't get jobs. The Indian companies at this present state are having a bit of a downfall. they will undoubtedly bounce back, but at this present state things look a bit dizzy.
2) The foreign universities that i have mentioned in the list, the top ten at least, the students passing out of it are the highest paid freshers in this entire earth. For a starting salary they are a clear winner. One might argue that being based in a costlier society there pay-cheques are bound to be higher. But that's just baseless. In the end the truth is that they earn more. But of course there work load is also much much much more.

Thirdly, ease of entering.
1) IIT requires hard work. Foreign colleges require brilliance.
2) IIT requires two years of break neck study. Foreign colleges would require you to do that right from childhood.
3) IIT has 10,000 seats for 3.5 lac students that appeared this year. Foreign colleges hardly take more than 100 international students out of nearly 12000 international applicants. So competitiveness remains the same actually. Colleges like Caltech, select less that 50 international students out of more than 35000 applications. Now that is competition.
4) Apart from being highly apt at your studies, foreign universities require various other characteristics.
- Extracurricular achievements(debate, quiz, MUN's)
- if you are a sportsperson it helps your chances.
- any form of music, dance or art is appreciated.
- leadership and stuff
- a shining, spotless academic record from class 8-12
- high SAT and TOEFL scores
- research activities and projects.
Compared to it IIT requires
- disciplined hard work for two years.
- physics, chemistry, maths
- physics, chemistry, maths
- physics, chemistry, maths
- physics, chemistry, maths
- physics, chemistry, maths
- and the list goes on like that forever.

And the last point, financial status of family...
Now here IIT clearly wins over foreign colleges. The tuition fees are almost incomparable. The foreign colleges require you to fork out the savings of five generations of your family and three of your neighbor. In short, foreign colleges are shortly. So anyone who is applying for foreign colleges must have to get scholarships or student loans. Scholarships are available in limited quantity to highly deserving students. Though it wont cover all the expenses, it would pretty much cover up the tuition fees, food and hostel and living charges have to be borne by self. If one takes a student loan, then all the charges get covered up, but the student has to repay it back to the bank after he/she gets a job.
So if a student gets a scholarship, then it would be same as paying for IIT.
Or else, IIT comes out the clear winner in this department.

Then the final score comes to : Foreign colleges 3 IIT 1
But since I am an Indian I would even it out keeping in mind the Indian society at large.
So the score becomes : Foreign colleges 2 IIT 2

So now, the question pretty much arises, what must a student look for ? Based on my personal experience, I would recommend a student to pursue them both simultaneously. Maintain a good record from junior classes, lose your virginity with HC verma, get raped by ML khanna, make up with chemistry, get good scores is SAT and TOEFL, apply for foreign colleges, work for IIT, get into both, if you get scholarship get the hell out of India, if not make yourself comfortable at IIT. Luckily for me, I got the scholarship so I don't have to worry about IIT now.

IIT is arguably the best in India. And until the next millennium it will remain so. Of course I am discounting the fact that India will be consumed by civil war, or AIDS breaks out in IIT's with rampant unprotected sex among the student and teachers. But, the foreign colleges I mentioned above, they are the best in the world. And as far as education is concerned I believe in the best.

And for all you loser patriots, no one is asking you to get settled away from India. You can always study there and then come back to show off in India, would be highly good for the ego. Plus, if you cant resist the girls there, then its your fault. Place country above girls, place education above anything else, and soon you would be on your way to a celibate life of enormous success.

DrDrunkDonkey signing off.


  1. The post is very gud.Best part is it seems pretty factual. If we just keep aside the financial differences, the international institutions are way above the IITs. But when India is concerned, finance surely causes a prob. Although student loans are a way but here many don't prefer that way to have big loans, so basically it is all in the POV of people here. Rest is perfect as you have said.

    Thumbs Up!!!

  2. Ha ha ...very funny....interesting take on subject

  3. @ANurag....I have tried to keep the blog as realistic as possible. Thanks for the comment

  4. Nice post dude... I totally agree with you on this. The main thing is that most people in India are unaware of the various opportunities out there in the world. Indians live, eat, drink and dream about IIT's only. Part of the blame should be put on parents too who pressurise children and make them believe that getting into IIT should be the main aim of their life. But there's hope, the situation is improving slowly. Lets hope for the best for our future generation.
    P.S.- I have applied in a foreign university too after a lot of fights with my parents and i think if u get a scholarship then the opportunity in hand shouldn't be thrown away....

  5. @Rajarshi........yup dude i totally agree with you....the more opportunities the students get the less pressurized will they feel....that might help them in improving their performance....limited vision should be shifted to a more diverse approach

  6. vikram....what you mentioned is right....but, institution doesn.t matters at all if there is potential in the student. And the big pay of job that students from such institute get...thats useless...they are made to work almost like technical coolies.....and most often, what all you have learnt in your institute, you forget them as you stick to those knowledge only that are required in your job. Rather, I would say, these institutes only make sure that you get money crunching jobs, but very less continued learning, whether its Indian or Foreign institutes. Must agree that Indian institutes are way behind in developing skills of students compared to Foreign institutes, and have such limited scope for research. But still, its the student that matters, not the institution.


  8. @prashant.........luck lies not in waiting but in its perception..its all about what u choose for yourself...have faith and u will be alright
