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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The first night @ TECH

"Yeah Hii, I need to go from the Student Center to Hamptopn Inn." It was 11.30 pm in the night and the FASET girl had decided to help me...What Luck !!. Turning towards me she said,
"Dont worry, we will get you home safely. In future call this number if you wanna go anywhere in night."
"Oh yeah, I dont wanna go anywhere. I just wanna be with you all night. No worries no numbers. Just you and me." Of course i said this to myself. Beautiful girl and late night conversations always leave me tongue twisted and crotch wasted.
5 minutes later when the stingerette window opened,
"Yes sir, I want to go to Hampton Inn ".
" BUt that was a lady who called me. DO you have a lady voice ? "
"No sir, that was just the FASET girl"
"Dont do this to me man. I get confused. A girl calls up and a buy shows up.Now come on get in back there."
And that was the day, the first rule at tech was made for me..."NEVER CALL THE DAMN STINGERETTE"

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