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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Maintaining a blog is a difficult job. Creating one is very easy.
Its almost like relationships. Breaking up and creating new ones is so damn easy. But try maintaining one, and its even tougher than reading PG Wodehouse without brains.
I remind myself of this thing every time i decide to create a fresh blog on a fresh website. And every time i also promise myself, " i will maintain this blog as best as i can no matter what." But as they say, teens aren't really the persons who can be trusted with a promise. So of course the promise inevitably terminates, but the passion of writing creeps up again sometime later, and so, yet another blog, yet another website, yet another start, yet another promise, and the cycle will continue till oblivion.

Its really difficult to write about something when you really don't know anything. The sole reason i found a deep attraction to writing stuff is mainly because that can keep one occupied for long hours, more importantly, it allows oneself a scope to try out a variety of handwritings. But, as many of you would believe, technology is a bane to mankind. In came the keyboard fashion, out went the paper-ink methods, conclusion, writing got substituted by typing.

But i am not complaining, hello hello, i am as lazy as a person can get, and if i can keep up my interests without moving my wrists while pressing buttons with my keys, voila!! i am content.


1) Muttiah Muralidaran-- that guy got a very sad farewell. It was indeed very very sad. I really felt sorry for him. i had moist eyes and a wet underwear. The fact that Pragyan Ojha was his 800th scalp clearly puts a black spot on his entire cricketing career. Its like a hunter swatting a fly on his last expedition. Cricketing experts refer to him as a wily off spinner. I chose to stick with "an impotent devil". If any of you guys did see the live feed on Tensports, Tony Grieg interviewed his wife where she remarked that she wanted Murali to continue playing cricket.
Now i am a teen, and i know whats cooking, she is having an affair and hence wants Murali to stay away from home as long as possible.
But Murali's had enough. Its time for him to stop playing child games with friends. He is ready to go back to his wife.

2) I turned 18--This is even more funny. More than 12 hours of my 18th birthday was spent in a train staring at random ladies dressed in hideous 'burqa's'. My girlfriend found it more important to question me about Electronics books rather than wishing me a happy birthday. A wonderful friend did teach me how to ride a bike. I really got depressed when all the cake was wasted in decorating faces when it was really meant for my stomach. Met a teacher who guessed my name wrongly eleven times before finally recollecting it after i had spelt out 5 letters of my name for her.
Only plus point, I got a sense of accomplishment that i could do anything without having a guilty conscience ever.

3) Trip to a Pepe Jeans store----Welcome sir, we are now offering up to 70 percent discount. Me---"wonderful progress, tell me when it reaches hundred."..."Sir, what size are you"..."seven inches"...."no sir i meant the waist size"..."oh that !!...that i have no idea about."....as if on cue, that guy automatically gets cosy with me with a measuring tape, kneels down in front of me, my zip poking his nose, and slides his fingers across my belt buckle, looks up at me with a naughty smile, "sir i got it"..."how was it "..."i think 32 sir"..."Oh!!..i was thinking 69"..."no sir, 32 would suit just as fine."......"okay show me what you got."......"sir look at these, its torn around the thighs, so that gives you a very bold look."..."really you think baring my thighs makes me bolder ?"...."yes sir i think that sir."...."then i think i will stick to shorts"...."would you like to try these".... " please specify whats the price."...."Sir its MRP is 10000, but after discount you get it for 3000."....."so u are selling torn pants for 3000?"..."yes sir, that makes you look bold."......."well my times up, I think my girlfriend has already got her makeup kit from the Lakme store, so i better hurry"......"Should i pack these for you sir."...."no thats alright, i am a coward anyways. And just a piece of advice...hire a girl from somewhere to take the measurements."....

4) Building a solar lamp------went to a shop. bought a solar lamp for 700 Rs. had it in two pieces later that day. went to the repairing shop, and got it repaired for 1000 Rs. felt proud at having built it.

5) I am pretty pissed------piss piss piss

6) Writers always are on a lookout for motivation. I lost mine 4 years ago when i decided that i should write.

7) Next article will be on gay marriages

8) Who the hell cares anyways ?

9) Okay so i found a girl on Skout who winked at me.

10) That means i gotta end this and get busy with her.


Dr.DrunkDOnkey delivered his lousiest article.


  1. hey drunkdonkey, i am omitting the 'dr' part for after reading these many articles i have found out,to my disgrace,that you certainly aint a doctor...
    now it would be pretty interesting if u can write something about not only gays,as you have stated,but also explore the sensitive issue concerning the lesbians...waiting for it.

  2. drunkdonkey dude,

    Lousy but interesting. I will be waiting for ur thoughts on female dicks and men pregnancy!!
    CAnt wait!!
