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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Science in Relationships......

Its been a long time since i last wrote anything. My mind has literally lost its sheen. The pillars of creativity and the flashes of imaginations are no longer existent.
Since the last time i did anything creative, to this current point, Fate has been generous enough to put me through another relationship. And this was supposed to be "The one", "The relationship that lived","The relationship of a wimpy kid","The Lion, The witch and The relationship" etc etc....
Needless to say, my mind was constantly occupied at sabotaging a smooth running relationship. 

Newtons law of inertia states that "An object at rest will stay at rest, forever, as long as nothing pushes or pulls on it. An object in motion will stay in motion, traveling in a straight line, forever, until something pushes or pulls on it." 

Vikrams law of relationship states that "Any  relationship that is stable will stay stable, forever, as long as nothing (in this case, an overthinking brain) pushes or pulls on it."

Once the state of stability is disrupted, the nature of the relationship moves from a Newtonian frame to a thermodynamic frame.

"The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system never decreases, because an isolated system spontaneously evolves towards thermodynamic equilibrium -- the state of maximum entropy of an isolated system. "

In this case, "The instability of an unstable relationship never decreases, because an unstable relationship spontaneously evolves towards thermodynamic equilibrium -- the state of maximum instability of an unstable relationship".

And then we achieve "Activation Energy"- "The minimum energy required by both the individuals in the relationship, to engage in an argumentative sporadic and illogical conversation similar to an irreversible exothermic reaction  resulting in a break-up"

To the less nerdy mind, I basically was in a very good relationship, that didn't end very well, due to my constant need of messing it up. 
In my defense, I BLAME NEWTON, THERMODYNAMICS AND FUCKING CHEMISTRY FOR ALL THIS. This shit was bound to happen. In the battle of Science vs Religion, i have always taken the side of Science. BUT SCIENCE FUCKED ME OVER. NEXT TIME I AM STICKING TO MY RELIGION.

But now, as of this current point, i am jobless. I am bored out of my fucking mind. The brain craves for something to think about, someone to explore. The switch between "being constantly busy trying to annoy my girlfriend" to "I already masturbated 5 times, what should i do now?" is very alarming to the a person's well-being.

And so, here at this critical juncture in my life, I am having a premature mid-life crisis. What the fuck is one supposed to do ? 

I am not skillful enough to pick up a hobby and not patient enough to learn a new one. I am not motivated enough to do something in life and not smart enough to do things without motivation. 

90% of the times, it is awesome being one of the lousiest persons alive, but during these stressful post breakup times, lousiness is not awesome. 

But then again, Biology teaches me that " life can adapt and respond to the demands placed on it by the environment" . "Higher organisms that undergo a prolonged change in their environment exhibit somatic adaptation." Its part of FUCKING EVOLUTION. So where all of Physics and Chemistry have failed me, I still have hopes in Biology to help me make that change.

Peace Out !!!